Saturday, January 19, 2013

Looking for a home!

January 19, 2013

Hi love lambs... It has been a long long time since I last posted.  I'm sorry! So much has been happening.  For starters we have been looking for a home.  House searching is a little exhausting and emotional, but it's going steady so far.  No house yet- but we are praying so hard for just the RIGHT home.  I wanted to keep my budget pretty low so that we would have some wiggle room with all the expenses that come with a house.  So initially when we first start looking at homes in our price range- it was a little scary to say the least.  The first house we looked at was adorable from the outside, but inside there were missing ceilings (CEILINGS!), terrible cracks on the walls, random holes, water stains, etc. etc.  It was pretty devastating to come to the realization that my money not go as far as I'd hoped.  Going from a huge custom-built mansion in a gated community to a house with no ceilings, was a hard pill to swallow.  Through this process I have learned to genuinely put my TRUST in the ONE who knows what's best for us as a family.  The Only who can place us exactly where we are meant to be.  I have been driving up and down the streets of Nottingham Country praying over every house in the neighborhood DAILY, with tenacity.  Praying that one of these homes will be ours in the near future.  I want the best safe haven for you two.  That is number 1 on my priorities right now.  I want to build a home where you both truly feel SO LOVED, and cherished.  Memories will form, and traditions will be a part of our home forever.  Regardless of where we end up, I want you two (I almost said ya'll - Texas is really getting to me I guess!) to know that YOU are where my home is.  Home is wherever we are together.  I love you more than words can express.  I miss you this weekend.  Can't wait to hold you in my arms and put on "princess outfit" and "mermaid tail" and watch Beauty and the Beast together.
All my love XOXO *Mommy

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