Friday, November 30, 2012

Silly silly Potty training

Reesey girl - you are just cracking me up with this potty training.  The other day Mommy tried to attempt the "3 day potty training method" which even the sound of it is terrifying.  I put you in an old t-shirt and some thick undies with nothing else.  I mainly tried to get you to stay on the big blanket I laid out in our living room so you wouldn't have accidents all over the apartment!  For the most part you did pretty good!  I set my alarm on my phone for every 30 minutes to take you to the potty, and you did a great job.  Every time you do the whole potty routine and nothing actually comes out you get one M&M and when you do go pee pee or poo poo you get 2 M&M's which makes you really excited.  I'm hoping you will be fully potty-trained by your 3rd birthday.  So that gives me about 6 weeks?!  You can do it girl!  You are definitely smart enough, and know how to, its just if you can make it in time. We'll get there. :)

Just yesterday was a really hard day for Momma.  Your dad and I had our divorce mediation.  Although it was really upsetting for me to to have to give up any time with you and Roman, I agreed to giving your Dad a lot more time with you than the "Standard Possession Order" we were practicing temporarily.  At least until Roman turns 3.  I want you guys to know your Dad, and I want him to know you.  These first years are so precious and despite what is happening between the two of us and the divorce, all I want is what is absolutely best for you two.  It kills me to think about how your relationship with your dad and I will be when you are older.  Will you compare the two of us constantly?  Will you enjoy his house more than mine?  When will you ask me why we separated?  Will you understand why I left him? ... I'm sure you will have so many questions, and I will be prepared to answer all of them.  But one thing for sure I want to make certain you understand is that this divorce had NOTHING to do with either of you.  It was not your fault in anyway.  By the time you are reading this, I hope that you understand the details of why I had to make this decision for us.  I love you with all of my heart, and would never want you to see a bad marriage from your parents.  I think the best way you can love your kids is to show them the love of Christ.  To show them in your own relationships what love is, especially in your own marriage.  I didn't want you guys to grow up witnessing our unhealthy marriage.  God has been strongly working in both your father and I in many amazing ways.  There is so much redemption coming from even the most painful circumstances.  I truly feel like "Much Afraid" going up to the High Places and becoming "Grace and Glory"!  Our God is so faithful.  I am so thankful for how He has protected us and guided us each day.  Your mommy loves you so much it is painful.  You are both with your dad right now for the weekend.  So I am using this alone time to really seek God's peace and understanding, and fill my mind with Him.  I know you are in His hands even when I can't see you or hold you.  I miss you terribly!  LOVE YOU BABIES... XOXOXO Love, Mommy

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