Sunday, November 4, 2012

Our Comforter

Reesey girl -
I was just thinking of a memory from not too long ago of you and I at the Galleria mall.  You were having a MAJOR MELTDOWN.  I mean major! I don't know what the matter was - but you were not a happy girl. So we are in front of the Starbucks line where I was trying to get you a milk that you had been begging for.  I finally receive the milk (you're crying and screaming this whole time), and then I hand you the milk, and you don't want it.  I had had it!  After a 15 minute detour and passing up the whole reason we came to the mall, you didn't want the milk!  And you wouldn't sit in your stroller either so you begin flailing in tears on the ground right in the middle of everyone who's trying to enjoy a nice relaxing cup of coffee.  So I'm literally trying to use Papa's "karate chop" method to get you into your seat and strap you in.  Obviously the entire Starbucks area was staring at us, and I was no doubt losing my cool.  But all of a sudden this beautiful older woman comes over.  She literally just picks you up from the ground and holds you real close and starts singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".  You immediately calm down completely.  No more tears, no screams, nothing.  She's rocking you in her arms, singing, and talking to you.  After the song was over she asked you if you were okay, and you said yes, then she places you in the stroller and gives you a kiss and says goodbye!!

 I was literally brought to tears in that moment watching this woman.  I truly believe I witnessed an angel that day.  She helped ME and YOU calm down when we really needed it.  I've learned so much from that moment.  Isn't that a picture of what God does for us?  We are kicking and screaming and nothing is working for us, and then all it takes is listening to God, and allowing Him to hold us and comfort us like He does so well, and we are at peace.

Now... I'd like to say that leaving that Starbucks you were just a happy little clam, and sat without the slightest noise the rest of the shopping trip, but in about 5 seconds after leaving the Starbucks the wailing began in full force Round #2.  But I had a whole different feeling of patience, and calm.  No more anxiety and feeling like I was going to explode!  You and I have many guardian angels watching over us, and our Heavenly Father knows exactly what we need, when we need it.  When I feel overwhelmed or enraged I am going to rest in the arms of Jesus, and listen to His sweet words to fill my heart.  He is our ultimate Comforter.  I love you Reesey Poo.  XOXO *Mom

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