Monday, October 1, 2012

Reesey does not like Nite Nite time

Oh Reesey... Last night was pretty interesting to say the least.  You are probably just as sleep deprived as Mommy is right now!  You've been a little scared of sleeping in your room lately.  I don't know if it's because you are trying to adjust to the new apartment, or you hear Roro waking up in the middle of the night (many times) ;) ... But you are struggling girl!  I finally decided to make a little "bed" (comforter and pillows) for you by the side of my bed so when you were scared you could just come in and sleep on your little palette on the floor.  Welllll last night you just started there, because you were not trying to sleep in your big girl bed at all.  But in the middle of the night I hear you crying and saying "I'm stuck" very quietly.  I got out of bed to comfort you and I literally couldn't find you! It scared me SO BADLY!  Then I realized your voice was coming from underneath (I kid you not) my dresser!  You had somehow squeezed your way under there in your sleep!!!! It was a little difficult to get you out, but eventually we did, and Mommy moved you to the other side of the room where you couldn't slide under anything!  You're a little snake! ;)  Now it's funny - but at the time NOT so funny!! I love you Reesey Poo.  I know you'll adjust to being in your big girl bed soon enough, and I'll probably long to sit next to your bed reading, and "keeping watch" like a security guard over you while sea horse chymes and DreamLite doggie makes stars on your ceiling. :) You're growing up so fast.  I love seeing you change and mature.  You are my precious baby girl forever though.  I love you Lamb.  * Mommy.

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