Monday, October 15, 2012

...Oh parenting;):)

Oct. 14, 2012
Reese, Yesterday was a pretty funny day at church.  I pick you up from  your nursery class only to grab a soaking wet baby doll (your doll you named affectionately "Black Baby" haha) from your teacher Miss Gina.  She informed me that one of the little boys in your class decided Black Baby needed a "bath" in the toilet.  Nice. :)  I just had to laugh.  Kids are so funny.  It's amazing how much you have grown and learned in your speech lately too!   Just recently you said the phrases- "I forgot."  "What's the matter, Momma?" "What's so funny?!" ... and the funniest "IIIIII told you soooooo!"  I am surprised daily by what you pick up and copy us saying.

Your Gigi had her book signing yesterday for "Spirit Hunger". YAY! It is so amazing what God has accomplished through your grandma.  She is an incredible woman.  I hope to be the kind of woman she is, and mother to you that she has been to me.  She is someone who truly demonstrates Gods love to ALL the people she comes across.  Whether it's giving the gate guard in our community a Starbucks coffee in the morning just to be nice,  visiting a friend in the hospital, or coming over nightly to help Mommy by giving you a bath and tucking you in to bed- ALL this while EXTREMELY busy with a book deadline, weekly classes and scheduled radio/TV interviews, etc.etc.  She is super woman!  But God equips her.  When you love Jesus and you serve God in all you do, He makes a way for you.  He leads you on the right paths that take you to the High Places. :) I read two books this morning that really remind me of the kind of parent I want to be to you and Roman.  Hinds Feet On High Places by Hannah Hurnard and a small little booklet I received as a gift called "Parenting - What You Are Is What You Get" by Dr. Ed Young.  

In Hinds' Feet it talked about receiving Acceptance With Joy in your heart.  Regardless of all the crazy circumstances in our lives right now I want to have acceptance with joy because I know God is faithful and leading us in with GREAT purpose.  I'm sure if you are reading this you are now old enough to know the whole story of your Mom and Dad's marriage and why it had to end.  The hardest part of this pending divorce is not knowing the effects it will have on you and Roman in the future.  I hope it will be for the better.  For you to see a marriage that is full of love.  Love for each other, love for God, and love for you two.  I never want you to wonder WHAT LOVE IS or WHAT LOVE LOOKS LIKE.  I want you to know a healthy relationship versus an abusive one.  I want you to know how treasured you are by me, and the MIGHTY Father you have.  We are in this together.  As my sweet sweet daughter I hope to have a special bond with you that no man can ever take away or taint.   I hope for your husband one day to treasure you and love you with all his heart.  But most importantly to treasure and love GOD first with all his heart.  If he does - he will then know how to love you well.  No marriage is perfect but with God at the center, it can be fruitful and withstand even the hardest circumstances.

Sorry this is a long letter today but I had to share other things I learned about parenting!  I know I have the power over the kind of person you will become someday so I want to do my best to raise you well.   These are my prayers as a single mom:

1- Pray that God will multiply my time I have with you and Roman
2- Pray that God will make up for the man who is not there and the masculine image that is absent.
3- Pray that God will give me the energy, faith, and "acceptance with joy" that comes with parenting.
4- Pray that I will be "major on the majors" and not sweat the small stuff - like posture, eating veggies, etc.  - but focus on training you to serve God and really know Him.

I could add a billion other points to this list - but please know that I pledge to you and your brother to pray these daily.  I will do my best to listen and obey God with my parenting and my role as a mother and friend. I love you SO MUCH Reesey girl!!!

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